Support Our Zenith Alumni on their Journey to ISU’s SSP25 in South Korea!

Seoul, South Korea at Night (NASA, International Space Station, 10/03/13), Image Credit: NASA

We are thrilled to share some exciting news about four of our incredible alumni, Julia Meeson ‘23, Jessica Kerr ‘23, Elsa Lange ‘24 and Rafael Estrada ‘23. They have been accepted into the International Space University (ISU) Summer Studies Program (SSP) 2025 in South Korea! This is an incredible opportunity for them to grow as leaders in the Canadian space industry, gain unparalleled experience, and connect with a global network of space professionals.

All four of the Alumni are excited to share their journey’s as they head to South Korea for this life-changing opportunity. Follow along on social media:

However, pursuing their dreams comes with significant costs for tuition, travel, and accommodations. To make this opportunity a reality, Julia, Jessica and Elsa have each created GoFundMe campaigns to help fundraise for their goals.

Learn More About Julia and Jessica's Campaigns:

Julia Meeson: Donate to Fuel Julia’s Space Dream

Jessica Kerr: Donate to Fuel Jess’ Space Dream

Elsa Lange: Donate to Fuel Elsa’s Space Dream

Rafael Estrada: Donate to Fuel Rafael’s Space Dream

About the ISU’s Summer Studies Program

The Space Studies Program (SSP) offers an intensive nine-week course hosted each year in the timeframe June-August in different locations around the world. It provides courses in all space disciplines, as well as hands-on education through workshops and professional visits. This program offers a unique curriculum designed specifically for professionals starting or changing direction in their space careers.

The SSP is intended for people working in space-related fields who wish to broaden their knowledge base. During the SSP, participants work on team projects to address current and future challenges in the space sector. Since 1988, the SSP program exposes participants to broad new perspectives on the world’s space activities.

Learn more about ISU SSP 2025 here.

How You Can Help

You can support Julia, Jessica, Elsa, and Rafael in taking this giant leap in their careers and inspiring other young Canadians to chase their dreams by:

  • Donating to their GoFundMe Campaigns directly

  • Spreading the word and sharing their campaigns with your network!

  • Sharing any funding opportunities you might be aware of that they can apply for to:


Space Bound Canada YP 2023