Wolfram Lunscher
Wolfram Lunscher is a retired spacecraft instrumentation engineer with a B.Sc. in physics (’74) from the University of Toronto, and a B.A.Sc (’80) and M.A.Sc. (’83) in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia. He first joined the Canadian space industry in 1987 pursuing a diverse range of projects with companies such as Com Dev, EMS Technologies and Canadian Astronautics Ltd. These include data communication hardware flying on the International Space Station, a patented tracking algorithm developed for optical satellite communication that has been adapted to control the James Webb Space Telescope, and a radio science instrument aboard Canada's CASSIOPE spacecraft.
He is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a Life Senior Member of the IEEE, and currently a lead engineer/mentor for the Carleton University CuSat fire-detection satellite capstone project.